After 2 years, time for a change. =)
seeya guys there! =)
The heavenly voice was heard at
2:36 AM
thousand apologies to those that pop by but never get to see new content. =P Hehe. But here's another post. Hoho.
Anyway, today during service, was truely an amazing time of seeing God move despite of the iniquities i have, and how limited a human i was. Just an encouragement to all those out there reading this. When you're like searching for God, and just searching and searching, and the world just tells you so many other things, and you so wanna give up. DON'T. Keep pressing on. Keep seeking after Him. Keep running after Him. When you do that, He'll blow your world away with His presence. When you really seek after Him when you just don't feel like anymore, that's when God can really show you how awesome, how amazing, and how wonderful He is in your life.
Just a short testimony. I was praying through and seeking God for the worship order just now. It's not like i last minute prepare know. I did it a week before, starting to pray about it already. And then finally, got a set of songs that i was convicted of on tuesday. Then friday came. Ern suddenly told me that 2 of the songs didn't really flow. I was like "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" in my head. Just a few more hours to megalife service. WHAT AM I TO DO?! AH!!
I really was quite disturbed. I went home and started praying to God, and really seeking after His ways. Thought i should change to some other songs. But had some other views from sam also. I was one confused kid man. To make matters worse, during practise just now, the songs JUST didn't flow. The whole thing was just bleah. and "I long to worship you" was really very draggy and stuff. I was really at my wits end, and reeeally very tired liao. I was like "God, you really need to take over. There's nothing i can do already". I asked the team to pray for me. And worship started. God just took over from there. The songs i chose, only 2 were used lar. The rest were all thrown out of the window.
So when you think "i can't go on anymore", or just "where are you...?". Hang in there.. Really. Hang in there.. The reward of seeing His face is so much more in worth than the pain and bleahness you have to go through during that seeking and struggling period.
Hang in there.. =)
The heavenly voice was heard at
10:57 PM
Hmm, don't know where to start for this post. I think after today's cell session, in many ways, i've realised that SK2, i love you guys a lot. =) Over the months, after cell sessions, outings, and just stuff we do together, i've grown to really love you guys a lot. And you guys really mean a lot to me. Every Single One of you, from Ming Wei, Ivan, Le Joy, Jeremy, Naomi, Joshua, Zachary, Anastasia, Debra, Zhen Hao, and even Jin Tao. Every one of you matter to me. Every Single One. Firstly, thank YOU for being such a wonderful bunch of cell members. Really a privilege to be serving you guys, and just helping you with whatever i can to help you grow closer to God.
Ya know, my desire, is to truly see you guys grow SO close to God. To really be able to say it with all your heart " I am His, and He is mine ". And through the months, i've seen some of you grow in the things of God. But i know you guys have so much more room for growth. And i believe you guys can really be awesome man and woman of God. To be the ones to reach out for Him, and be an inspiration to those around you.
But these things doesn't start from nothing. It has to start somewhere. And that has to be that secret place you have your intimate moments with God. Not saying you guys aren't doing it, but i feel in general, this is what our cell lacks. To really take time to know God more. Taking time to listen to His voice.
And after spending time with Him, and really having that deep desire and hunger for
God, what is in your heart? Is there sin in your heart? If there's sin, no matter how much we desire, how much we hunger, in particular, being pure, we cannot be used by God. And that's where the blockage comes in. Keep clear from sin, and stay on the safe side of being pure. Pure in thought, pure in speech, pure in actions, pure in your way of life, and the list goes on.
And if those 2 are seemingly fine, are there issues in your heart that hasn't been resolved? Many a times things start from the heart. So ask yourself, "How's my heart today?"When things are resolved in the heart, other areas including sin are much easier to handle. It doesn't become easy, but it's easier. =)
You know, having an intimate relationship with God, so many ways and stuff. But ultimately, i think it boils down to just this 2 simple things. Your desire, and your purity. So people, let's get back to our rooms, our secret place, and just seek after Him alright? =)
The heavenly voice was heard at
11:34 PM
Firstly, Jialin, thank you for that watch. Haha, it means aaaaaaaaaaaalot to me. waahaha. And i really appreciate it.
Alright, now on to the post. Ya know, a lot of times, i think we forget that our friends are humans too. I mean, any friend, your best friend, your good friend, your friend overseas. Ya know, just friend, tomodachi, nakama. (All mean friend in jap. or sort of. haha)
I was watching this anime called One Piece. Haha, my final moments of "freedom", so better make full use of it. Hee. So anyway, just a brief summary of those few episodes. There's this talking reindeer who had a blue nose. He was treated as an outcast in his reindeer family, He tried to blend in with the humans but was treated as though he was a monster. He was so dejected and was on the verge of dying cause he got shot while escaping from the humans. Then there was this super weird guy who was a doctor. He was really concerned about that reindeer and wanted to treat it. But in the mind of the reindeer, that wasn't possible, and started to attack the doctor. Then you know what the doctor did to show that he wasn't a threat? He took of all his clothes "I Don't Mean any harm!!". Super farnie AND ridiculous. But it showed true concern, in a really weird way. Anyway this reindeer, finally had someone that cared. A friend.
K why am i talking about some talking reindeer? Basically, it's linked to the present i got. For some time, i guess most of us kinda take our friends for granted. Not that we make use of them or anything of that sort. But ya know, just neglecting them for lack of a better word. Do your friends matter? Or family for that matter. Do they matter to you? When's the last time you ever told them that they matter? Cause today, i felt like i matter to someone. And i'm blessed by it. So why not go bless someone? Tell them how much they really mean to you.
Friends =)
The heavenly voice was heard at
12:07 AM
I thought it'd be nice to have some light content once in awhile. Here's High School Musical 2 for you. "You are the Music in Me". =)
The heavenly voice was heard at
10:53 AM
A note to my birthday, haha, dinner was ok. But i really appreciated Samuel and Jeanette bringing me for dinner. Like seriously, it was the highlight on my birthday. Haha.
Well, at this point of time, i'd like to thank everyone who prayed for me regarding my entry to FASS for Psychology, cause ya know what..? I GOT IT!! I REALLY GOT IT!!
Hahahahhahah! God really is a faithful God. I don't know what to say, but He really is.
I'm a living testimony of God's faithfulness, and that He cares. He hears our prayers. And He's just amazing. It's like my best birthday present yet. haha. God's just awesome. Wahahha.
And to add on to that, i realised it's a surprise belated birthday present for me! After being so sianed of the "surprise" on weds (which i still appreciate you guys k), i think God planned it to be like this, so i can surprised. Oh my gosh, He is sooo amazing. *Hugs* Gosh! Woo i'm gushing or something. Hee.
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight"
The heavenly voice was heard at
12:12 AM
21 years of my life has just passed. You know, i was actually quite sad for my birthday, later which i'll explain why. But now i've come to realise, that there's so much more to this 21st birthday than what i thought. And guess where the best birthday present came from?
Here's a present for you.
Love, Your heavenly Dad.
*opens up present*
I see a scrap book, and i turn to the page Family:
Since primary school, i've always been doted by my grandmother. She'd buy me toys, toys, and more toys! She'd even endure the long and arduous bus journey EVERY SINGLE DAY to fetch me home from a faraway place called TOA PAYOH. But even now, she still loves me loads. Wants me to eat, gives me money when i don't want them, and the list goes on...
My mum has always been my support. She supported me in everything i do. And still supports me. She trusts me so much, i don't know how much more trust can be given than what she already has. Everyday i see her quiet and steadfast spirit working in her life, raising me up to be who i am today...
My brother, if without him, i probably might not have become a worship leader today. He left me with so much..
Then i turned the pages of memories and got to the page called School:
Throughout my 21 years of life in school, i realised that i've been really blessed. God's hand was always upon me, and still is even when i didn't feel that He was. From PSLE results, to O level results, to A level results. Since young, i haven always gotten to where i wanted to go. Pei Chun Primary School, Victoria School, Victoria Junior College, NUS. Never did it once deviate from where i wanted to go. Even my results show the hands of God.
Ruffling through the pages, i stumble upon the section called Ministry:
Ever since i started joining PNW (aka Worship and Music Ministry), i have never stopped until now, lest 1 break in between. That's a whopping 7-8 years of ministry. God has grown my ministry, He pruned me, moulded me, broke me, into who i am today. I enjoy what i'm doing, but more importanly, i'm so glad i can serve Him with something that's close to my heart.
I flipped to the end of the book, the page was named Thanksgiving, and had a few empty pages after that, so i decided to write them down here:
Looking back at my life, i can now say with full confidence, that God's hand and blessings were upon me. He has my interets at heart, and He loves me so much.Reminiscing and thinking about the past, i see God's hand on every single aspect of my life. From the few things i just mentioned, to things like relationships, how i dealt with them, my struggles, my fears, my insecurities, my WHOLE LIFE, was never out from the sight of God. I thank God for putting friends into my life that pulled me through the darkest periods of my life. I thank God for making me who i am today. I thank God for so so many things. As compared to people who do not know the Lord, what more can i ask for? Except for God to "Cast me not away from thy presence o Lord, take not thy Holy Spirit from me, restore unto me, the joy of my salvation, and renew a right spirit within me". These words don't do justice to what God has done for me for the past 21 years, but with full gratitude, i want to say "Thank You" to the best Dad ever.
I will be lying if i said my birthday surprise was great. I appreciated the efforts, especially Ern, Sherron, Sherman and those that made so much sacrifices just to be there. Persis and Huiying too ok. I appreciated every single one of you. But it was just very sianed if you get what i mean, having a surprise spoilt. To add on to that, i didn't even do anything note worthy things the whole day. Blading, ok, dinner, ok. What's so special about such things "I thought". I was pretty sad. Adding on to the fact that the number of presents was shockingly little. Haha. I was sad. I was disappointed. But only after Samuel Low said during dinner
"21 is a very special year, i think the best ever birthday present you can get, is the work God has done in your life" (paraphrased as close as possible according to my limited memory).
That was a revelation. A divine one at that. Only then did i realise, well, yeah humanly speaking, i had quite a bad birthday. But i think spiritually, i had an awesome birthday, and the best birthday present i could ever get.
"Lord i'm amazed by You, Lord i'm amazed by You, Lord i'm amazed by You, how You love me"
The heavenly voice was heard at
1:27 AM
My Friends